Creating level 1 and fixing movement script

After finishing the movement script I moved to placing all of the platforms inside level 1, along the way I would notice several problems with my movement script.

The first problem is that one smaller platforms it could be hard to control the players speed and would cause the player to fall, to combat this I added sprinting and made the walk speed slower so the player could at least adjust the speed as they please.

Another interesting problem I noticed was that the players jump was stronger when used during coyote time. This was because the drag was applied to the character only when on the ground and therefore wouldn't apply when the character was in the air during coyote time. I tried fixing this by adding new rules to applying the drag but that created other problems so I settled with just decreasing the jump force while in the air to where it's the same as the grounded jump.

After all this was fixed I added all of the platforms to level 1 and finished the level.

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